Fee and Payments

The participants are expected to participate in the Conference in person.

Only one paper per registration is allowed. Dedicated rates are available for participants with no registered paper.

The authors of the accepted papers must register in advance (before 30 April 2025) by selecting a Full (IEEE Member or Non Member) or a Student Registration Fee (IEEE Member or Non Member)  for inclusion in the conference programme. One Day Registration Fee does not cover the publication cost for accepted papers.

The accepted papers have to be presented at the conference. No–shows will be removed from post-conference distribution and will not be proposed for publication in IEEE Xplore or other public-access IEEE forums.

IEEE EUROCON 2024 registration fees (only in DOLLARS)

Registration type

Early registration
(before Apr. 30 , 2025)

Late registration
(after Apr. 30, 2025)

Non Member IEEE
Full Registration
$540 $640 The fee includes: conference package, publication of one paper in the conference proceedings, attendance at all conference sessions and keynote speeches, lunches, morning and afternoon coffees and teas, welcome reception, single invitation for the conference dinner.
IEEE Memeber (with ID)
Full Registration
$490 $590
IEEE Life Member (with ID)
Full Registration
$430 $500
IEEE Student Member (with ID)
Full Registration
$430 $480
Student Non Member IEEE
Full Registration
$460 $490
Non Member IEEE Attendee
(without paper)
$380 $430 The fee includes: conference package, attendance at all conference sessions and keynote speeches, lunches, morning and afternoon coffees and teas, welcome reception, single invitation for the conference dinner.
IEEE Member Attendee
(without paper)
$320 $370
Student IEEE Member  Attendee
(without paper)
$210 $270 The fee includes: conference package, attendance at all conference sessions and keynote speeches, lunches, morning and afternoon coffees and teas, welcome reception.
Student Non Member Attendee
(without paper)
$270 $320
One Day Registration
without paper
dinner not included
$200 The fee includes: conference package, attendance at all conference sessions and keynote speeches scheduled on the given day, lunch, morning and afternoon coffees and teas.
Additional paper $400 $450 If the same author has more than one paper accepted, each additional paper also needs to be registered. The fee includes only publication of the paper, no conference packages, lunches, etc. are connected with this fee.
Additional page $80 Per page.
Accompanying person $200 The fee includes: lunches, morning and afternoon coffees and teas, welcome reception, single invitation for the conference dinner.
Additional conference dinner $120 Per ticket.


Remark 1.Please remember that ALL bank charges should be covered by you not by us. Thus, we must have to register a full registration fee.

Remark 2. The student registration fee applies only to papers where the author has student status, the student will attend in the conference and will present their paper. Students should confirm their student status by sending a letter from either a supervisor, department head, or university registrar confirming their enrollment in a full-time, degree-granting university science or engineering course. He must also include the IEEE ID when he has the status of an IEEE member.