Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities in Radio Communications of UAVs and Other Unmanned Vehicles - RCom 2025

Short description

The dynamic growth of the microelectronics market at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries had a significant impact on the progress of many branches of industry and science, including unmanned platforms, i.e., unmanned aerial (UAVs), surface (USVs), or underwater vehicles (UUVs). Currently, the UAV market is one of the most dynamically developing. It should be considered primarily in two categories: platforms and applications. On the other hand, the UAV market can be divided into the widely available civilian and military. In 2023, the value of the global UAV market (including fixed-wing, hybrid, and multi-rotor drones) and its applications (including agriculture, audit, surveillance, inspection and monitoring, consumer goods, and retail) is estimated at USD 44.57 billion. Forecasts indicate that in 2030 this market will increase unimaginably by 1684.9% compared to 2023, reaching USD 795.57 billion at a CAGR equal to 50.9%. These growth dynamics contribute to the search for new applications for technologies of UAVs and other autonomous platforms. The widespread availability of UAVs has also contributed to the growing threat of hostile use of these platforms for military, spy, terrorism, smuggler, or hybrid operations. Hence, in recent years we have seen parallel development of sensors, effectors, and multi-domain counter-unmanned aerial systems (C-UASs).

The main objective of this session is to present current solutions, challenges, future trends, and open issues in the field of unmanned vehicles (especially UAV) and C-UAS applications.

List of topics

  • unmanned platforms/vehicles, including unmanned ariel vehicles (UAVs), unmanned surface vehicles (USVs), and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs),
  • civilian and military applications of unmanned vehicles,
  • mission planning, communication, control, and design of unmanned vehicles,
  • 5G systems in unmanned vehicle communications,
  • radio links used for unmanned vehicle communications,
  • detection of unmanned vehicle communications in various frequency bands,
  • jamming and jamming mitigation in radio links used for UAV communications,
  • counter-unmanned aerial system (C-UAS), anti-drone sensors, effectors, and systems.


Paweł Skokowski
phone: 735-265-222
Military University of Technology, Poland

Piotr Rajchowski
Gdansk University of Technology, Poland

Krzysztof Malon
Military University of Technology, Poland

Program Committee