
Introduction to Energy and Power Systems Optimization using GAMS and MATLAB


  • Smart Grids,
  • Optimization Techniques,
  • Renewable Energy Systems Modelling,
  • Energy Storage Systems,
  • Integrated Energy Systems.


This tutorial provides a practical introduction to energy and power systems optimization using two widely used software tools: GAMS (General Algebraic Modelling System) and MATLAB. Participants will learn fundamental concepts of optimization in power  systems, the role of smart grids in future energy systems, and how to implement optimization models for various energy applications. The hands-on approach will enable participants to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical applications, focusing on real-world challenges in energy system operations and planning.


With the global shift towards decarbonization and smarter energy systems, optimization has become a cornerstone of efficient energy system design and operation. This tutorial equips participants with the tools and knowledge needed to model, analyze, and optimize modern energy systems, addressing challenges such as renewable integration, energy storage, and resource allocation. EUROCON attendees will gain practical skills in using GAMS and MATLAB for solving complex energy problems, making this tutorial a valuable opportunity for both academics and industry professionals.


Mostafa Shaaban,
American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Target Audience:

The tutorial is designed for:

  • Graduate students and early-career researchers seeking hands-on experience in energy optimization.
  • Industry professionals interested in advanced tools for energy systems modeling and optimization.
  • Academics exploring applications of optimization in smart grids and integrated energy systems..

Expected Attendance:

  • Approximately 30-50 attendees, including students, researchers, and practitioners.

Outline of Tutorial:

  • Introduction to Optimization Models and Solution Approaches (30 minutes)
    • Overview of different optimization models in energy and power systems.
    • General approaches to solving optimization problems.
  • Concepts of Sensitivity Analysis (15 minutes)
    • Introduction to sensitivity analysis in optimization.
    • Practical examples of how sensitivity analysis enhances decision-making.
  • Introduction to GAMS (30 minutes)
    • Basics of GAMS and its application in optimization.
      Note to attendees: Ensure GAMS demo version and MATLAB are installed on laptops prior to the session. Stable internet connection is required.
  • Hands-on: Optimal Power Flow Problem (15 minutes)
    • Modelling and solving an optimal power flow problem in GAMS.
    • Insights into results interpretation and validation.
  • Break (15 minutes)
  • Optimal Operation of Energy Storage Systems (60 minutes)
    • Linking GAMS and Matlab
    • Implementing and solving energy storage optimization using GAMS and MATLAB.
  • Optimal Allocation of Renewable DG in Smart Grids (60 minutes)
    • Modeling and solving the optimal placement and sizing of renewable distributed generation in smart grids using GAMS and MATLAB.
  • Q&A and Closing Discussion (15 minutes)
    • Open floor for participant queries and detailed discussion.
    • Recap of key learning points and feedback collection.