Call for Tutorials

The IEEE EUROCON  2025 organizing committee invites proposals for Tutorials on select topics given by renowned scientists and practitioners in their fields. We solicit proposals for half-day (3 hours including a short break) tutorials on topics aligned with the topics for the conference. Successful tutorials educate the community members on emerging methods, concepts, and tools. All tutorials will be part of the main conference and will be available free of charge to the attendees of the conference. Feel free to join a small team of 2-3 presenters or conduct it from a solo perspective

Submission Guidelines for Tutorial Proposals  should include:

  1. Title: ….
  2. Topics: …
  3. Summary: …
  4. Motivation: Why should EUROCON attendees join the tutorial?
  5. Presenters:
    1. Names.
    2. Affiliations.
    3. Research interest.
    4. Short bio.
  6. Target Audience: Describe what population this tutorial is targeted towards (e.g., students, industry professionals, everyone). Expected # of attendees.
  7. Outline of Tutorial: Include the order of topics and approximate time for each topic.

The proposal form is accessible …here….

Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format, should not exceed four (4) pages in total, and be sent to

Tutorial Proposal Form
Call for Special Sessions / Workshops